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​How to help

Most organizations set a mandatory minimum but here at Needs 4 Real we accept any legitimate donation. Please see our donation page to offer assistance in any form, we accept housing, school supplies, clothing, money, or anything you would like to donate.

Community Efforts

Our organization is comprised of volunteers who give freely of their time as well as a paid staff. We want the transition from joint parenting to single parenting to be a smooth process, while at the same time helping those who have always been single parents.


Family Festival

​Throughout the year we will hold various events which will focus on  the family as a unit. ​These events are designed to provide an outlet for the parents and children alike, in a sense helping them to bond while enjoying family time.

​Latest project


As a new organization we have not established any major projects as of late. However we would like to be able to provide help to all single parents, men and women alike. By helping the parents they are in turn less stressed about bills, jobs, food, clothing or shelter and are therefore in a better position to parent there kids. As we embark on goal specific projects we will be providing updates.






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